
You MUST be 18 years of age to join the database. If you are under 18, your parent must first sign up and add you to their profile!

Please fill out all requested information and then press 'Submit' to complete your registration. You will receive an Email with login information.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not sell, rent, or lease our users data to third parties, and we will not provide your personal information to any third party individual, government agency, or company at any time unless compelled to do so by law. We will only use your data for the purpose of determining which studies or study groups you may best fit into.

 Fill out the initial registration form and then complete your profile. (You will be emailed your password to go back and complete it)
  We will send you emails and or a text to let you know we emailed you a link to a screening survey for a study that you potentially qualify for. Click on the link to the survey and complete it as soon as possible.
  If you qualify, we will email or call you to schedule an appointment for study.

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**Your E-mail Address will become your username for the Fact n Figures Database


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